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Pay directly when placing your order. No credit card number, no extra passwords, no worries.

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Only pay for what you like. Review your order first and then decide what you want to keep.

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Pay your orders in installments and at your own pace. You decide how much you want to pay monthly.


What is Klarna?

Klarna is one of the leading payment providers in Europe and a licensed bank that is fundamentally changing the payment experience for buyers and sellers. The company, founded in Sweden in 2005, enables online shoppers to handle outstanding payments immediately, later or in installments quickly, easily and securely. Klarna works with more than 130,000 retailers such as Asos, Spotify, MediaMarkt and Deutsche Bahn and currently employs more than 2,500 people in 14 countries. In 2014 Klarna took over Sofort GmbH; In 2017, Billpay GmbH was acquired. The company's investors include; Sequoia Capital, Bestseller Group, Atomico, VISA and Permira. More information can be found atwww.klarna.gb

Is it safe to shop online with Klarna?

Definitely! Shopping online couldn't be more secure than with Klarna. In a store, you can always touch and check the goods you want to buy before paying for them. We believe that online shopping should be no different. That's why Klarna purchase on account gives you the opportunity to check your goods first and pay later.

Our goal is to make shopping easier and safer - smooth. That is why we take drastic measures to protect you as a buyer against fraud and unreliable online retailers. Whenever you see the Klarna logo in an online store, you can be sure that the store is trustworthy and meets our strict requirements.

Klarna is also certified by TÜV Saarland and Trusted Shops. Certificates give you as a consumer positive indications of the quality of the services and products. The associations registered under "the TÜV" are known worldwide and the certificates promote the highest international reputation. TÜV Saarland has concentrated on customer-oriented services outside the traditional official fields of activity. Every year, TÜV Saarland ensures that our business model is serious and that Klarna offers secure payment methods through a detailed investigation.

Klarna has been a “Trusted Shops Authorized Partner” since 2011 and as an “authorized partner”, Klarna's processes are perfectly adapted to the Trusted Shops quality criteria. The Trusted Shops quality criteria are based on national and European laws that are important for online shopping. They take into account the current judgments and requirements of consumer protection organizations or go even further. Read more about the Trusted Shops seal of approval here.

In addition, Klarna Buyer Protection protects you with every purchase from Klarna. This is an agreement between you and Klarna that allows you to shop online safely. To ensure that the Buyer Protection Directive applies, you as a consumer must make the purchase from an entrepreneur. Please note that the Buyer Protection Directive only applies to payments made with Sofort if it is expressly stated on the payment method selection page in the merchant's online store.

I have more questions about my payment. Can I speak to someone from Klarna?

Yes of course! You can chat with us in the app at any time or call us on 0221 669 501 10

If you are planning to tie the knot anytime soon, you may want to begin searching for the perfect wedding ring. Wedding rings symbolise love and commitment within a relationship, so it is important to find one that you will cherish forever. From shaped wedding rings with diamond detailing to statement styles, there are plenty of great designs to choose from.

In the modern world that we live in, it appears that design preferences seem to be more diverse than ever. Some people prefer classic wedding bands whilst others prefer to have just one ring that cements their love. We are also living in a more sustainable world, which is why choosing ethically chosen jewellery is important now more than ever. Read on to discover the top wedding ring designs for 2022…

Top Wedding Band Designs

Stacked jewellery and wedding rings has grown in popularity in 2022 and has become one of the top wedding ring design ideas. See all the ways below on how to choose the right wedding ring band that complements your engagement ring.

Diamond Wedding Rings

Diamond wedding rings are popular for both men and women. Women's diamond wedding rings are perfect for adding a little extra sparkle to the engagement ring. There are plenty of styles to choose from, such as full diamond-adorned rings or partially studded diamond rings.

For men, diamond wedding bands have become popular in recent years. Men’s diamond wedding rings are perfect for men looking for a luxurious option. Studded diamond wedding ring designs tend to be the most popular, with just one or a handful of diamonds used to punctuate the metal band.

Bold and Edgy

A bold wedding ring design is one of the top trends for 2022, which is perfect for anyone who likes a more striking design. A wedding will be one of the most prominent days in your life, and your wedding ring should reflect that. Our yellow gold contemporary wedding rings will create a statement for your wedding.

Vintage Wedding Rings

Vintage wedding ring designs come in a wide range of styles, that offer something different to modern wedding rings and bands. Some brides prefer a classic and timeless ring that is going to provide them with a unique style. Black diamond rings boast an opulent finish that is perfect for the vintage look.

Eternity Rings

Eternity rings are an emerging wedding ring trend of 2022. Brides are looking for even more versatility when it comes to the design of their wedding ring. Eternity rings offer a plethora of styles that will work well with any design. This style of ring signifies eternal love and will beautifully complement any engagement ring.

Matching Wedding Rings

From his and hers wedding ring sets to individual wedding rings that complement each other, there are plenty of choices when it comes to finding the perfect rings. You should love the wedding rings you choose as, let’s face it, the idea is to wear them forever.

Men's wedding rings tend to be simpler in style than women's wedding rings, but bands adorned with diamonds are popular for both men and women. With his and hers wedding bands, an important thing to consider is metal colour. The precious metal you choose can completely change the overall look and feel of the jewellery piece.

Combining Wedding Rings & Engagement Rings

One of the more recent wedding ring trends is to have either just one ring for an engagement or wedding, or to combine them both. Combining two rings into one creates a understated and classic style. Some brides prefer to have just one extravagant or striking ring for their engagement and wedding. Find out below the singular ring designs that have catapulted into 2022.

Oval Wedding Rings

Oval wedding ring designs boast an elongated shape which looks stunning either by itself or stacked against other jewellery bands. Stones have also become popular amongst brides in 2022, and will enhance the clarity of the oval wedding ring design. With an oval shaped wedding ring, you truly can create something that reflects your personal style.

Clustered Stones

Most brides who aim for extra sophistication tend to go for clustered stones to maximize the sparkle. Multi-stone rings tend to have three or more stones set into one band and arranged asymmetrically. This wedding ring trend gives brides a chance to showcase different stones they love in one setting.

Bridal Sets

A bridal set is a great choice for those who have decided on marriage together or looking for an upgrade to their current engagement ring and wedding band. Bridal sets have become popular in recent years as they take the hassle out of finding an engagement ring and wedding band that pair perfectly together in shape and style. Plus, they can work out as better value for money!

Coloured Stones

Although diamonds have always been a favourite among many brides, coloured stones started to take its fair share of fanatics. Most Millennials are starting to embrace coloured gems as they come in different hues, making it easier to find something that matches their personality.

In addition, these stones have been priced lower, making them affordable and accessible to most people. They may also be paired with diamonds, making them versatile. These trending wedding rings are bold enough to sit on the ring finger alone.

Sapphire Wedding Rings

Sapphires are gemstones that have a beautiful meaning of love and faithfulness, making it an increasing trend in 2022. Sapphire wedding rings boast an elegant and opulent design that a lot of brides desire. Due to the gorgeous nature of this ring, it’s no wonder why brides are choosing to have it as a singular ring that represents their engagement and wedding.

There are many emerging wedding ring trends in 2022 which you are bound to fall in love with. It also highlights how many diverse options there are when it comes to choosing your wedding ring. For those who want a traditional wedding ring band, there are many beautiful features to choose from, including the metal and the carat.

For brides and grooms that want something a bit different, there are elegant gemstone and eternity rings that may suit you better. Browse round our range of wedding ring designs and find the perfect ring for your wedding.

When it comes to the big day, you may have questions about what to do with your engagement ring. Take a read of our handy guide to see what to do with your engagement ring when you get married.

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